Sunday, November 14, 2010

Why can't I walk to class?

The biggest thing I would change about Wright State is its location. Do not misunderstand me, this is not a problem with Dayton or Ohio. My problem is where our college is located in relation to a major town center. The residential areas where students live off campus are located at such a distance walking or biking to class seem like to big of an inconvenience to outweigh the benefits. Thus students are required to drive and spend their limited funds on gas, parking passes, and the dreaded parking ticket. We have created a commuter campus. At my previous institutions of higher learning I never once drove to class. I could roll out of bed and stroll directly to class. Also, during breaks I could walk to the restaurants I wanted to go to because it was located in the town. Aside from the inconvenience and financial aspect there are severe environmental implications to students making multiple trips a day to and from campus. Think about the hundreds of thousands of gallons of gas. Other than that I quite like Wright State and it has been a good fit for me in my return to academia. So the location in relation to a town center of residential area is what I would change.

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