Sunday, November 14, 2010

Happy Halloween Jerk!

My major complaint with Halloween as a parent is not what you might think. Most parents dread the candy and the out of control kids, not me. I love that excitement that comes with young kids celebrating Halloween. I hate the aspect of making Halloween overly gory and gruesome. For Pete sakes it’s not a celebration of torture and serial killers. I know Halloween has a tradition of fear and horror movies have their time and place on that holiday. However, when people do not know when to draw the line and start scaring your kids to the point they want to go home and not trick-or-treat any more. Case in point, this year we were out and about in our neighborhood gathering goodies and having a blast. When we got to a seemingly normal house and a man jumps out of the bushes covered in fake blood and wielding a severed arm, fake also I hope. Now you have to keep in mind my kids are 2 and four, this scared the crap out of them. We had to cut our evening short and I had to have an awkward conversation with some jerk I did not want to give a lecture on Halloween manners to. So my kids Halloween was ruined so some 40 year old schmuck could feel like a big man. Other than that I love it. Mainly because it occurs on my favorite season, autumn

1 comment:

  1. I agree with you about Halloween being so gory and scary. I think it's fun to dress up and have fun but some people get a little carried away. That would be horrible to have some man scare your two children so bad!
